PRE-CONFERENCE: Clean Fuels 101

Jan 20, 4:00 — 5:15 PM PST

New to the clean fuels space, or just need a refresher? "Clean Fuels 101" is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to grasp the fundamentals of this dynamic sector. This session will break down the essentials of biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of what sets these fuels apart, how they contribute to a cleaner energy future, and why they are critical to the decarbonization efforts in transportation and beyond.


Katherine Reed

Senior Communications Manager
Clean Fuels

Katherine serves as the Senior Communications Manager for Clean Fuels Alliance America. In this role, she supports the implementation of the association’s communications plan, educates stakeholders on the industry’s mission, manages Clean Fuels’ online presence and coordinates with partner organizations to ensure consistent messaging. Reed earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing and Management from Columbia College. With a passion for storytelling and content creation, Reed spent the last 10 years providing marketing and communications services to a number of non-profit associations in Missouri.